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That's right I actually did research some stuff!

It will shock many of you but I have actually been doing research in order to write this book. I'll admit that sometimes I've been a bit liberal with it, but at least I know what has been stretched and what hasn't. I thought it may be helpful, and even informative, to get a better understanding of the Kimberley and some of the ins and outs of the book. Some of these things are not even used but helped me create my parameters. Some have been mercilessly stretched. Have a look around. In particular have a look at the video in the police section. Initially I toyed with the idea of making Jack black, then I found this female indigenous police cadet and it was perfect. I may have upgraded her role and I imagine Jack slightly differently. Also I spent some time just trying to get the injuries from the fall right without over-complicating it.  I looked at a few studies on falls but I chose a review by a Swedish guy as it most fitted what I wanted to achieve.

General Cattle Station.jfif

Cattle Stations

Crime Scene Tape


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